Lower your heating costs this winter with an environmentally friendly, cost effective heating solution!

by Christine Bernardo April 05, 2019

euro fireplaces

Winter heating costs represent a significant expense. In fact, according to estimates, heating costs account for about 40 percent of an entire homeowners yearly energy bill in Australia.

The question is how do you improve your home's efficiency to reduce cost?

Well you could seal windows, improve insulation, install double glaze windows or generate heat with an alternative heat source - like a fireplace.  Installing a fireplace can assist homeowners to reduce their reliance on other traditional heating sources.

Wood heating is a cost effective form of heating that provides ambiance to the home and provides a place for the family to gather while delivering the lowest cost energy for home heating and emits less Greenhouse gases than other forms of home heating!

When you purchase a Euro Fireplace from our range, you are buying a quality product that is not only designed to last; it is crafted to look and be perfect from the inside out. Using the very latest in European technology and combining natural convection with radiant heat and advanced technology to bring to your home environmentally friendly heating to give a more complete burn than fan forced heaters, which means a wood fuel saving of up to 60%.

Euro wood-fired heaters don’t use fans to help distribute the heat through your house, by using natural convection our heaters move hot air more efficiently through a home, without the need for an electric fan. Even the insert and inbuilt wood-fired heaters can be installed to move air without the aid of a fan! These fireplaces are great for the environment as they are one of the cleanest burning fireplaces available. With minimal wood consumption and a low carbon footprint, you are assured of perfectly clean and environmentally friendly heating.

Vermiculite is used in the interior of the firebox which works to help increase the burning temperature of wood to allow more of the wood to actually burn instead of allowing it to be partially wasted and lost as carbon emissions.

Here are a few things to consider when buying a Euro Fireplace:

  • The choice of material you want on the fireplace surround, also the colour and design, choose the one that will suit your house the best
  • Size does matter – always keep in mind the size of the room and the area where the fireplace is to be installed.
  • Know your budget and try and stick to it. Make sure you know what you can comfortably afford before you start shopping.

Have a look through our range of energy efficient, economical fireplaces and see which one is going to best suit your home. Be sure to come and see us or contact us if you have any questions about the suitability for your home, room, or space.

Lower your heating costs this winter with an environmentally friendly cost effective heating solution!

Our team at Dress Your Space are experienced in helping out customers in making the correct choice for heating their homes at just the right price point. 

Dress Your Space is a member of the Australian Home Heating Association Inc. and an exclusive stockist of Euro Fireplaces.

*Reference: www.eurofireplaces.com.au


Christine Bernardo
Christine Bernardo


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